7th Arab-European Youth Forum on Peace and Security (Ministry of Youth and Sports)

The seventh edition of the forum was co-organised by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the League of Arab States and the European Youth Forum took place from 5 to 8 November 2019 at the European Youth Centre Budapest.

Titled “Dialogue on Youth, Peace and Security” it brought together some 100 youth leaders, activists and other stakeholders active in the Euro-Arab cooperation in the youth field in member states of the League of Arab States and the Council of Europe. It fostered the participation of young people and youth organisations in peacebuilding and Euro-Arab dialogue for inclusive societies.

The forum provided space for participants to explore the UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth Peace and Security and to critically reflect about the role all stakeholders, i.e. young people and institutions alike in implementing the UN2250 and its principles of action and shaping the future of the cooperation.

Throughout the programme and its follow up by participants human rights education as a framework were used and promoted for learning and acting for peace and dialogue.

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