A Mediterranean Youth Journey: 6 years of impact and development

A Mediterranean Youth Journey: 6 years of impact and development: Over the past 6 years, the Mediterranean Youth Foundation for Development has contributed to empowering young people and enhancing the spirit of cooperation and communication among Mediterranean people. The Foundation has grown from just an idea to an integrated entity that works on empowering young people, supporting their aspirations and contributing to building sustainable and more prosperous societies. The foundation was founded with a vision of empowering young people in the Mediterranean region, striving to provide an open space for youth to communicate, exchange ideas, and learn from each other’s experiences. Its journey has gone through various stages and challenges that have contributed to its development, driven by its mission to support young people, whether in social development projects or in achieving their personal and professional goals. Throughout its journey, the foundation has organized numerous development programs and workshops aimed at enhancing young people’s skills in the fields of entrepreneurship, community engagement, and environmental development. The foundation participated in a range of youth events, hosting young people from various Mediterranean countries. These events served as opportunities for cultural and idea exchange, helping participants to develop their skills. These activities resulted in the launch of innovative projects, reflecting the foundation’s commitment to supporting young people’s ambitions and inspiring them to achieve their goals. After six years of impact, the foundation continues to expand its vision by launching more programs and initiatives. It looks forward to continuing its efforts to promote sustainable development, provide support for young people, and build a strong youth community capable of addressing global and local challenges. In conclusion, the Mediterranean Youth Foundation is more than just an organization; it is a journey for young people, filled with hope and inspiration, from youth to youth.

#The_Start_of_Our_Story #From_the_Mediterranean_and_to_the_Mediterranean #Youth #peace #Youth4Mediterranean #MYF

كلمة أ. يوسف عروج، الرئيس المشارك لمؤسسة شباب المتوسط.
“رحلة شبابية متوسطية: ٦ سنوات من التأثير والتنمية”
على مدى السنوات الست الماضية، أسهمت مؤسسة شباب المتوسط للتنمية في تمكين الشباب/ات، وتعزيز روح التعاون والتواصل بين شعوب المتوسط.
خلال مسيرتها، نظمت المؤسسة العديد من البرامج التنموية وورش العمل التي تهدف إلى تعزيز مهارات الشباب/ات في مجالات مختلفة، والمشاركة المجتمعية لتبادل الثقافات والأفكار، والتطوير البيئي.
وبعد ست سنوات من التأثير، تستمر المؤسسة في توسيع رؤيتها من خلال إطلاق المزيد من البرامج والمبادرات، وتتطلع المؤسسة إلى مواصلة جهودها لتعزيز التنمية المستدامة، وتقديم الدعم للشباب/ات، وبناء مجتمع شبابي قوي قادر على مواجهة التحديات العالمية والمحلية.
مؤسسة شباب المتوسط رحلة شبابية، مليئة بالأمل والإلهام، نابعة من الشباب/ات وإليهم/ن.
#الشباب #السلام
#Youth #peace

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