As part of the 10th United Nations Alliance of Civilization Global Forum (UNAOC), Youssef Aroog, Elected Co-President of the Mediterranean Youth Foundation, delivered a speech highlighting his experience in promoting the values of peace and coexistence.

As part of the 10th United Nations Alliance of Civilization Global Forum (UNAOC), Youssef Aroog, Elected Co-President of the Mediterranean Youth Foundation, delivered a speech highlighting his experience in promoting the values of peace and coexistence.

As part of the 10th United Nations Alliance of Civilization Global Forum (UNAOC), Youssef Aroog, Elected Co-President of the Mediterranean Youth Foundation, delivered a speech highlighting his experience in promoting the values of peace and coexistence. He spoke about his upbringing in the Sinai Peninsula and the challenges of terrorism he faced, explaining how the Human Fraternity Document inspired him to adopt a project promoting peace among youth. He shared his experience in the “Youth Peacebuilders” program, highlighting that receiving the Intercultural Innovation Award significantly enhanced his credibility and provided support for his community projects. In conclusion, he advocated for redefining the conventional perspective on the size of organizations, asserting that true success is measured by their impact.

#Youth #peace #Youth4Mediterranean #MYF

في إطار فعاليات المنتدى العالمي العاشر لتحالف الأمم المتحدة للحضارات (UNAOC)، قدم يوسف عروج، الرئيس المشارك لمؤسسة شباب المتوسط، مداخلة تناولت تجربته في تعزيز قيم السلام والتعايش.
تحدث عن نشأته في شبه جزيرة سيناء وتحديات الإرهاب التي واجهها، وكيف ألهمته وثيقة الأخوة الإنسانية لتبني مشروع يروج للسلام بين الشباب/ات.
شارك تجربته في برنامج “بناة السلام الشباب”، مشيرًا إلى أن حصوله على جائزة الابتكار بين الثقافات ساعد في تعزيز مصداقيته ودعم مشاريعه المجتمعية.
في ختام حديثه، دعا إلى تغيير النظرة التقليدية لحجم المنظمات، مؤكدًا أن الأثر هو المعيار الحقيقي لنجاحها.

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