Digital Tools and Visual Storytelling,new instruments for communication

Project Reference: 2020-3-CY02-KA105-002009

Project Status


  • Start date 01-04-2021
  • End date 30-04-2022

EU Grant

17.546,00 €



Key Action

Learning Mobility of Individuals

Action Type

Youth mobility

Countries covered


  • ICT – new technologies – digital competences
  • Social entrepreneurship / social innovation
  • Creativity and culture



a)In many ways and more than one every time we have the great opportunity to carry out a project of this scope and density it allows as DIONE organization to have our skills in logistics, organization, accentuating the staff skills in every way possible. It gives us the chance to get to know ourselves in an ever-deeper sense that can only be had by the practical applications of the inner workings of such a variety of important tasks along with the multitude of details that are arising each consecutive day as the project unfolds. Moreover the project allows in a psychological sense as well as social a deeper awareness as who the others are and what makes as all Europeans which of course are the shared values of each one. Furthermore, it tests as, it teaches us our weaknesses and how to improve on them. It is almost like a baptism of will under the best of pretexts. In a sense and given the fact that Erasmus projects offer the chance of plurality at its best we wanted to achieve a better us. The devil as they say is always in the details.
b) Objectives of the project
Primary objective of the project was to improve the digital skills and digital knowledge at young people and volunteers so as to give them the chance to upgrade their skills in this domain in order to enhance their capabilities insofar as finding and retaining a job in today’s ultra-competitive work areas. This objective ties symmetrically in relation to the high unemployment data as per Eurostat. That is specifically for young people in their early twenties. European Commission study has shown that in order for a young person to become more easily employable he has to have good mastery of digital skills and digital knowledge.
Specialized skills that were taught in this project were as follows a) digital marketing and social media skills b) digital photography skills c)video editing and e-learning skills c) visual storytelling.
Added objectives were for the youngsters upon completing the course is to disseminatey as much as possible those skills in the wider community. They get connected with all other social strata, NGO’s, municipalities and in doing so they spread shared values. This we believe was achieved in great extent. Even participants that were either cautions, introverted and/or shy began to open themselves up to the stimulation by others and gained a wider and more positive context. Then again, we of course have to mention that a lot of interaction took place and discussions were vibrant and quite productive. Just the fact alone that communication skills increased we believe in a very good degree that by itself is an added objective.
Overall, objectives were met and if we are right because our views are by necessity subjective it was a very productive project.


Activities that were implemented
All activities that were executed and taught were based on non-formal learning methodology. The core axis of enemy activity that was done was to directly procreate as it did and learning new sets of skills, more advanced knowledge of digital tools as it related in practice on personal level, social media level and primarily to the job wise context of possible employability. It is a fact that employers seek people that have at least basic skills in digital tools and our activities sought exhibit this component to the participants. Activities were done that showed to the participants the real reasons as to why employees seek what they seek. Moreover, Nuno from the Portugal team that had a marketing experience, explained why he also needed continually to improve his skills if he was to seek advancements and promotions.
Sets of specific activities that were done and exhibited included outdoor visual storytelling, discussions and group work, online analysis of LinkedIn pages, role play, practical applications of digital tools in the work place and in personal space and/or analysis on how all fits together and interacts in the modern world.
a) Profile of the participants
Participants come from Spain, Egypt, Portugal, Romania and Cyprus. Initially Russian participants were included but could not be there for the project due to the fact that Russian-Ukraine was started and flights were banned. Given this context the number of participants from respective counties changed.
Number of participants per country are as follows
b) In addition the participants were selected based on those who expressed sincere interest to come and learn something valuable
c) Age of Participants
From Spain we had mainly people under 30s, while the rest of teams were mixed


After the end of the project the following results were obtained.
As is stated in another section of a question in this final report we had actual awareness of what the participants knew in relation to digital skills. That is in a quotative and qualitative way we had an objective baseline of the actual knowledge they possessed in relation to digital skills and after the end of the coursework we had another. The original plan prior to the onset of the project was to have the participants increase their overall skill in digital skills so that they can have better prospect job wise.
a) Among skills attained were basic knowledge of using and applying the LinkedIn platform in a professional manner.
b) We had the youth workers create video and photo content resulting from outdoor activities in a professional way that enhanced their CV’s.
c) The ability to be more efficient in digital skills, digital communication was achieved.
d) Overall advancement in digital skills.
Inevitably any skill learned allows for more opportunities career wise and personal wise and without a doubt it is a fact that the participants will therefore actualize positively their individual potential.

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