I MAM Virtual

IMAM- dIgital sMArt Mother VIRTUAL has the general objective of supporting the job inclusion of young mothers and future mothers aged between 26 and 30 through the development of digital skills, thanks to non-formal online learning. The project aims to contribute to bridging the gender digital divide in the reference areas of the partnership, namely: Rome-Italy, Mardin-Turkey, Razlog-Bulgaria, Sfax-Tunisia, Cairo-Egypt, Amman-Jordan. The project is built to measure the needs of the countries involved, to give access to national and international knowledge, and to develop skills and empowerment to create independence in the participants and economic value to the country of reference. Courses will be used for the development of technical skills related to some professional figures in the digital world, through some professional figures in the digital world, the development of transversal management skills, and the learning of the basic principles of digital skills.

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