Project Status
- Start date 15-02-2021
- End date 14-02-2022
EU Grant
9.822,00 €
Key Action
Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type
Youth mobility
Countries covered
- Environment and climate change
- Natural sciences
- Social dialogue
Climate change is one of the biggest problems of our world that creates another problem every day. Climate change ruins the structure of our world gradually and causes permanent damage. According to the scientific researches, the glaciers at the poles melt or even disappear and NASA’s data shows that melting in glaciers increased by 280 percent. Between 1979 and 2001, 48 billion tons of glaciers disappeared and this data increased to 138 billion tons within years. In addition, due to the risk of Covid-19 virus epidemic in newly emerging conditions, it is a risk for the environment and human health to be mixed with domestic waste due to the risk of carrying an infectious property such as disposable mask gloves used by our citizens while going out on the streets. On the other hand, if disposed randomly, there is a risk that these materials will flow with the rain and damage environmental infrastructure components such as rainwater channels, grids and sewage systems. On the other hand, greenhouse gases is another risk for environment. The use of greenhouse gases started to increase after the industrial revolution in the 1970s, according to the “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” (IPCC), the carbon dioxide rate increased by 40%. According to IPCC, one of the biggest factors of carbon dioxide increase is fossil fuel consumption. The second most important factor is deforestation. Disasters such as hurricane, hose, flood, drought that come with natural and human induced climate change are also important effects of climate change. snow-ice cover melts. The recent major disasters show how big climate change. That’s why we aimed to apply “Four Levels of Action” for change;
2-Friends and family
3-Community and institutions
4-Economy and policy.
Whereby we aimed to encourage targeted groups on climate to meet on a common ground and raise awareness of these problems and take measures for the future. In this context we aimed;
– to apply the 3R (reduce, recycle and reuse) plan effectively into humans lives starting from youth groups,
– make people concious and get them accustomed to the use of environmentally friendly materials,
– develop mutual understanding and learning process among young people,
– create awareness and mobility of young people about global environmental issues; climate change and sustainable energy at the international level,
– strengthen the cultural dialog of the young people, by including young people from different cultural, ethnic and religious,
– improving the young people’s knowledge, skills level by increasing cultural awareness trough the European dimension,
– increase cooperation between organizations of countries and European Union countries,
– share of best practices about the themes of the project and work with young people.
We implemented 6 local activities and an international activity as part of the project contributing to build climate change awareness of the participating young people and create a high-quality outcome “No climate No future “Management, Coordination and Quality. This was the overall project management activity ensuring that the project follows a well-planned, precisely-structured work programme and fits the activities and objectives as explained in the project application – in terms of costs, time and activities. The overall project Management, Coordination and Quality was coordinated by the Project Strategy Team (1 young person, 1 group leader per each participating organization). Local Activity 1 (LA1) – What is Climate change workshop. The LA1 was a local level activity. It was a brainstorming session of at least 2 hours organized by the 6 participating young people and 2 group leaders of all participating organizations in order to;
1) Define what climate change was,
2) Ensure the participating young people were aware of various effects of climate change
3) Introduce the project to the local community to and encourage the local community to get involved in precautions and offer their support;
4) Brainstorm and discuss various local effects of climate change and solutions.
Local Activity 2 (LA2) – “Website.” Based on the agreement by all participating organizations represented by 1 young person and 1 group leader, all participating young people needed to gather local data on the local effects of climate change and publish it in a website that would be created. The LA2 was one of the major contributors to the creation of website and aimed to;
1) Identify local Climate change problems,
2) Gather data and information of the identified local effects of climate change such as drought, pollution ,etc,
3) Create audiovisual material in high quality showing the effects of Climate Change (photos,videos), 4) Create innovative, interactive presentations on the local Climate change to introduce to other participating youth.
International Activity (Youth Exchange) – “Bright Green Future”. The (YE) was the major activity of the project, where the participating youth in mixed groups learned, examined and found solutions to raise awareness. The Activity mainly aimed to;
1) make people concious about actions to be taken against climate change,
2) Present the local problems and solutions to the rest of the participating youth,
3) Exchange information, learn more about how climate change destroy our future,
4)Strengthen understanding and values of tolerance, respect, solidarity.
Local Activity 3(LA3)-” Eco Shorts”. A small scale short film festival were held. 1 leader and 1 young person organized this festival. Local people especially aiming at young people created 5 minutes shorts with environmental message. This festival aimed to;
1)promote the project,
2)built some momentum for sustainable development in local area,
3)empower and engage young people to lead progressive change in their local area,
4)visioning the result of climate change and environmental problems.
Local Activity 4( LA4)-“Online webinars” .Throughout the project duration, group leaders hosted the professionals by online interviews against the risk of Covid19. Members were able to ask them questions directly and participate in discussions. This activity aimed to;
1)make young people informed about climate change, sustainable food and energy, green house gases,
2) empower youth to communicate in English,
3) build up dialogue between youth.
Local Activity 5(LA5)-“E-book”. Based on the agreement by all participating organizations represented by 1 young person and 1 group leader, all participating young people collected data of
local problems resulting from climate change. The E-book aimed to;
1)promote no future no climate project,
2)Present the local problems and solutions to young people.
Local Activity 6 (LA6) – Dissemination of Results -“Introduction of the website and E-book”. The LA6 was organized to introduce the local community with the website and E-book to raise awareness of the local people. The LA6 aimed to;
1) Raise awareness about actions against climate change, daily applicable measurements among the local area and the partner countries,
2) Introduce the simple but effective measurements to the community of the project,
3) Promote the Erasmus+ programme and encourage other youth groups and local community members to benefit from the programme,
4) Plan clean future, follow up activities to continue raising awareness,
5) Contribute to creating a dialogue between the youth, the local community and the public authorities in recognizing and finding solutions to the identified climate change problems of the local area. Each one of the planned activities were implemented in the best manner to ensure the project reaches its high-quality proposed outcome- a clean future.
The project activities were developed and implemented by 6 young people aged between 15 and 30 from 6 different countries. Each one of the participating youth groups from 6 different Programme countries had equal number of girls and boys – 3 girls and 3 boys. Group leaders were also selected accordingly – 1 woman and 1 man. Therefore, ensuring gender balance for the international mobility activity. For local level activities (LA1, LA2 and LA3) the participating organizations committed to maximize their outreach potential and ensure that all local level activities were attended by at least 30 young people – girls and boys. Besides the age diversity within the target group the selection criteria included;
– urban/rural balance
– gender balance
– relevance of the event for the participant
– interest and intention to participate in future international cooperation projects
– reasonably good English speaking skills
– commitment to share the outcomes with other young people and potential multiplying effect.
Thanks to our project, we targeted to raise the awareness of our group members and repair the climate change awareness of other participating country members. Young people acquired good habits such as recycling, reducing electricity usage, etc.
Local impact of the project was increasing ecological awareness, tolerance, acceptance of foreigners, inclusion and active participation in social life of Karaman people. In the long term, Karaman would become better place to live as a multicultural place of tolerance and respect towards nature.
The long term results of this project was
– creation of an international network of young people interested in sustainable solutions of environmental problems and climate change,
– raising awareness of youth across Europe about global issues,
– instilling courage to take actions about climate change with simple solutions such as using 3R(reduce-recycle- reuse) in their life,
– developing new ideas and strategies for better learning.
Thanks to the project;
– 30 Youth pass certificates were provided for each participant,
-30 young participants gained green, social entrepreneurship skills,
-30 participants strengthened European citizenship skills,
-30 participants shared experiences and expertise in different fields,
-70% of participants improved foreign language,
– 100% of the participants raised the awareness for different cultures,
-increased visibility of Erasmus + program and impact on multiple levels (local,national and international level).
The expected short term benefits were;
– the exchange of best practices between partners, enabling all participants to draw inspiration for their own work at home
– the promotion of environmental activists and sustainable lifestyles among young people – increasing youth participation in the sending organizations.
This Youth Exchange allowed more young people to engage in projects for a better, bright, clean future by showing the desired impact on the target group. The project increased cooperation and exchange between the partners.
Skills that were acquired through the project;
a) Creation of website, e- book tools aimed at to foster environmental and climate change awareness and education within youngsters,
b) Creation and management of a Social Campaign,
c) Creation of efficient and impacting contents to be used in a Social Campaign,
d) E+ project design.
Approaches/behaviours that were acquired/improved through the project;
a) Soft Skills. With reference to the Youthpass Key Competences:
– Communication in foreign languages
– Digital competence
– Learning to learn
– Social and civic competences
– Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
– Cultural awareness and expression
b) Raising involvement/engagement of young people, with a specific focus on building a co-creation process with them.