Project Reference: 2020-1-EE01-KA105-077793
Project Status
- Start date 01-06-2020
- End date 31-12-2022
EU Grant
26.845,36 €
Key Action
Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type
Youth mobility
Countries covered
- Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning
- Creativity and culture
- Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills
By implementing the project “SkillShip: It’s time to build your ship” we wanted to give youth people possibilities be involved in inspiring international environment to gain more competences for personal development and to promote participation in lifelong learning.
The main aim of the project was to equip youngsters with competences and methods for their personal and professional development, to enhance their employability, to gain their cultural awareness through promoting diversity, intercultural dialogue and creation a free space for youngsters to share their life skills.
Objectives of the project were:
1. To inspire youth to have a better understanding of their skills, stimulate their abilities and their understanding how to improve them.
2. To encourage youngsters to make optimal use of their abilities and to share them with others.
3. To demonstrate participants different ways of acquiring and using their learning styles.
4. To develop youngsters awareness of understanding of other cultures, improve their sense of cooperation and build the network between the European and Mediterranean countries.
Objectives of our project were linked to the objectives of the Erasmus+ programme as it’s aim was to promote European values, foster key competences and abilities, boost cooperation in the youth field, develop solidarity and promote tolerance.
Within the project were implemented 2 activities:
1. APV meeting – for project successful implementation, we planned working meeting for leaders in Casablanca, Morocco. It was leaders first, face to face meeting and they had possibility to get to know each other and fully discuss project details. In APV-task meeting took part 7 leaders: 2 from Estonia, 1 from Lithuania, 1 from Italy, 1 from Slovakia and 2 from Morocco. Dates: 30.-31.07.2022.
*We had problems with partner visas. Our partners from Egypt and Palestine need a visa to enter Morocco, but the visa was rejected due to the political situation between these countries. So, they couldn’t come to the APV meeting and participated in it online.
Participants from APV were youth workers/youth leaders who are actively involved nowadays in youth work and who from the beginning were involved in project writing & planning.
From Estonia side our leader Nino Kapanadze could not participate in APV, because of visa issues as it took too long time to prepare. Instead of Nino participated Mikhail Mogutov who was aware of project objectives and who brought new view & experience for project implementation.
From Morocco we also had 2 participants instead of one, because our initial leader Veera Nikolajeva is by origin from Estonia and does not have big living experience in Morocco. That’s why we decided to engage in APV another person from hosting organisation who would be able to help us understand and be prepared well for every kind of cultural differences.
2. Youth Exchange – “SkillShip: It’s time to build your ship”. Total number of project participants were 35 (7 participants from Estonia, 6 participants from Lithuania, 4 from Slovakia, 4 from Italy, 4 from Egypt and 4 from Morocco) plus 6 leaders, (1 from each participant country). *As Palestinians, unfortunately, did not get the visas, we made a fast decision to increase the number of Estonian and Lithuanian participants*.
Age of participants were: 18-26.
Dates: 10.09.2022 – 17.09.2022.
Venue: Casablanca, Morocco.
Main results and impact of the project were:
That participants:
– Learned how to use different intelligence and 4c’s skills in their working and studying process;
– Learned how to cooperate and make decisions in spite of their cultural differences;
– Learned how to optimalize their ideas to be more competitive in labor market and to be more initiative in their lives;
– Built strong connection between all participants for future collaboration;
– Learned about Erasmus+ programmes and non-formal learning;
– Increased understanding of solidarity, diversity, common values of freedom and tolerance, participants learned more about other European and non-European countries and compared the lifestyles of young people in different countries;
– Promoted and increased open-mindedness, creativity, interest in global issues etc.;
Participating organisations:
– Increased understanding of realities of youth work in other countries;
– Acquired new international connections and experience to plan and implement project with the other culture representatives;
– Strengthened connections with organizations for future collaboration.
Target groups:
– More motivated young people through sharing experience and result from the project;
– Impact on our friends, classmates and parents towards to increase their solidarity, raised awareness about European values and other cultures.