Youth for Climate Action
Project Coordinator
Fondatsiya “Tsennosti, dobrodeteli, integritet”
106 “NISHAVA” STREET, 2ND FLOOR, APT. 11 , 1404 SOFIA , София
(столица) (Sofia (stolitsa)) , BG
Project Information
Apr 1, 2021
Mar 31, 2022
21,344 EUR
Mediterranean Youth Foundation for Development (EG) , Association
Tunisienne Pour La Jeunesse et La Diffusion de Culture De La Paix (TN) ,
Environment and climate change ; Youth (Participation, Youth Work,
Youth Policy) ; Energy and resources
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The content of this page is published for information purposes only. The project was funded by the European Union. However, the communication about the project
that is published through this page expresses the views of the project beneficiaries only and it does not represent the views of the European Union or the European
Commission. It shall not be deemed to constitute legal or official notice on behalf of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union
nor the European Commission can be held responsible for this content nor the use thereof made by any third parties.
Project Summary
The youth exchange “Youth for Climate Action” aims to raise awareness among 40 young people between 18
and 30 years old from 2 European and 2 African countries about the impact of climate change on humanity and
identify possible solutions for local and global actions.
Our objectives are :
- increase the level of consciousness concerning the climate change and its impact on humanity of 40
participants; - bring participants to an increased understanding about the environmental problems that the world faces
nowadays; - get motivated to make a positive change in their local environment;
- identify solutions that young people are able to carry out when they go back home;
- learn how to organize campaign for environmental awareness;
- Reflect on their learning process and learn more about Youthpass.
Within the project there is one activity – the “Youth for Climate Action” youth exchange that has a 7-day program,
taking place in Bulgaria, from the 21.06.2021 until the 27.06.2021 including two travel days and involving 40
participants from 4 countries: Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece and Tunisia. The target group we aim to offer this
experience to are youth from 18 to 30 years old, some of them with fewer opportunities, youths with minority
background. In order this project to be truly inclusive all partners need to provide equal access of the information
for the exchange and chances to participate to young people with all kind of backgrounds. We have carefully
selected the partner organizationsand all of them have committed to keep strictly to our selection criteria for
participants. The obstacles that participants might have are health problems, geographical obstacles, educational
difficulties, cultural differences, economic and social obstacles. They will be supported by partners in each case in
order to be able to participate actively in the youth exchange. The working methods used is this project are based
on non-formal education and experiential learning. They will encourage active participation and an atmosphere of
inclusion, tolerance towards diversity, acceptance, and trust within the group. We will often work in small groups,
which will provide space for more active participation and involvement of all the participants, an opportunity for
deeper reflections and understandings, leading to a more self-directed learning.
The youth exchange will have concrete impact on several levels: the participants, the organizations involved in
the project and the target groups of young people with whom the organizations work. Participants will become
more self-confident, they will acquire valuable experience working in an intercultural environment, will gain more
knowledge about environmental issues and they will be enriched by their experiences in different workshops
connected with climate change.
Organizations taking part in this youth exchange will benefit from the results as the young people will return back
home and share the insights they have got through the exchange through a dissemination events. The target
groups of young people with whom the organizations are working on a regular basis will benefit from the
dissemination events, delivered by
participants after the exchange. Through the stories and video part of the follow up events more young people will
get acquainted with the aim of the exchange and will learn about Erasmus+
Generated on: Jan 12, 20252020-3-BG01-KA105-094794
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The content of this page is published for information purposes only. The project was funded by the European Union. However, the communication about the project
that is published through this page expresses the views of the project beneficiaries only and it does not represent the views of the European Union or the European
Commission. It shall not be deemed to constitute legal or official notice on behalf of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union
nor the European Commission can be held responsible for this content nor the use thereof made by any third parties.
program, the opportunities it offers for young people and get inspired to participate in future youth exchanges.
Participants will produce short movies about climate change , which will be streamed online through social media
platforms and websites of the partner organisations.
The project results will be mirrored in the personal transformation of participants, the empowerment of the
organizations and the new perspectives within local communities towards inclusion of people with fewer
opportunities in international mobility programs. As a result of the youth exchange we will create the “Youth for
Climate Action Booklet” that will contain a detailed
description of the project and testimonials from participants from all partner countries. We expect it to be
inspirational for many young people in the future, for that reason we will share the booklet with the partner
organizations of this project as well as with other organizations that we are in contact so that all of them can
benefit from this outcome.
The project will directly benefit 40 participants from 4 partner organisations of this project, some of them with
fewer opportunities, target group of the partner organizations. The indirect beneficiaries will be 200+ citizens that
will see the short movies created during the exchange, 100 + people that have taken part in the dissemination
activities of the project in the partner countries. The project is in chime with Erasmus+ Inclusion and Diversity
Strategy and EU Youth Strategy 2019- 2027 and EU Green Deal in areas such as inclusion, education and
climate issues.