Dialogue on The Human Fraternity Document

It is a winning project with the support of the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Center for Dialogue in Lisbon within the framework of the work program of the Platform for Dialogue and Cooperation between Diverse Religious Leaders and Institutions in the Arab World ‘Interreligious Platform for Dialogue and Cooperation’, which aims to enhance dialogue and peaceful coexistence. This is the first youth project that provides a direct opportunity to conduct the first dialogue on the Document on Human Fraternity as the most important document in the modern era that calls upon all humans to prioritize the common humanity and human fraternity over any other considerations.

The project aims to build the capacities of a group of Arab youth residing in the Arab Republic of Egypt on the concept of human fraternity and dialogue, along with its tools, as the fundamental and most effective solution in resolving conflicts and disputes, through the implementation of a series of workshops and dialogue sessions as well as the dissemination of a number of articles aimed at countering hate speech, extremism and intolerance.

The project also focuses on the role of youth institutions in promoting and achieving the objectives of the Document on Human Fraternity and coming up with a paper of recommendations expressing the roles through which the document’s objectives can be realized and highlighting the needs of youth institutions to achieve those objectives. This paper will be submitted to the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity.

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