Mediterranean Youth Academy:

It is a “dialogue platform for Mediterranean youth” that works to raise youth awareness of issues related to the Mediterranean region, such as human fraternity, climate change, the environment, youth and gender equality, youth empowerment and facilitation of mobility, in addition to irregular migration. The Mediterranean Youth Academy aims to achieve effective, dynamic and sustainable youth participation for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth, developing sustainable solutions and policies, building partnerships, North-South cooperation, and South-South cooperation.

In addition to the collaborative design and implementation of initiatives in the Mediterranean community that achieve regional integration and cooperation. The Mediterranean Youth Academy project works to take a step forward linking the various priorities of the Union for the Mediterranean such as economic development and employment, social and civil affairs, water, environment, blue economy, energy, and climate action.

The first edition of the Academy was implemented in Cairo – Egypt from 25 August to 1 September, 2021, and the second edition was implemented from 14 to 19 September, 2022 in Alexandria – Egypt. The Academy seeks to implement the next editions in more than one Euro-Mediterranean country.









Concept note



2030 Youth Agenda: Call to Action



Biographies of participants



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